Our photoshoot with Miinella Jewelry, alongside the talented Roy (soon to be husband - haha) and the stunning Simoné, Greteli, Mila, Kara, and Katinka, was more than just a day at the studio & beach—it was a celebration of style, laughter, and creativity.

From the get-go, there was a buzz in the air as we gathered on the sandy shores to catch the last light of the day, ready to showcase the intricate designs of Miinella's jewelry & Stephen van Eeden’s designs. The excitement was infectious.

Steven van Eeden's dresses added an extra layer of magic to the scene. Flowing gracefully, they complemented the beach setting. Bright & bold colors for bright and bold ladies. Also, HUGE thanks to Stephen and his team for allowing us to run around in water & sand with his dresses. It was a sight to behold. These candid moments not only captured the essence of the shoot but also showcased the genuine connection among the team.

What made this day truly special wasn't just the stunning jewellery or the breathtaking dresses. It was the spirit of collaboration, the shared passion for creating something beautiful, and the genuine joy that echoed through every frame & of course also drinks and snacks afterward with new and old friends.


Pierre & Jansie


Katrien & Josh