Greteli Owning Motherhood.

In 2017, at the cozy Stellenbosch café, Meraki, Greteli, and I met for our first coffee date. Back then, she was a high school student who had just landed a significant role in the television series, Alles Malan. Little did I know that this meeting would mark the beginning of a deep and lasting friendship.

Our friendship has weathered various life phases, some more challenging than others. Greteli has always been there—whether it was a quick walk, a drive to the beach, or a laid-back coffee date. She even lent a helping hand during a move just before Roy and I crossed paths - poor girl! But what a friend!!

Fast forward to today, Greteli is now happily married to Juan, an outstanding cinematographer. The four of us have become a tight-knit group, enjoying each other's company with ease, laughter, and conversations that cover anything and everything - these dates usually include wine, a lot of opinions and laughter. Greteli, a versatile artist, actress, and photographer, truly stands out in the realm of motherhood.

Becoming a mother has not only added a new chapter to Greteli's life but has also brought out a radiant strength in her. While she effortlessly embraces the joys of motherhood, she remains refreshingly honest and open about the challenges that come with it. Witnessing Greteli navigate this phase has been nothing short of inspiring for Roy and me.

Being a mom and a great friend is no easy feat, but Greteli takes it all in stride. Her recent entry into motherhood has shown us that she's not only owning it but doing so with grace and authenticity. It's a privilege to see the love and care she pours into her daughter, Alé. With Greteli as her guide, there's no doubt that Alé is going to turn out to be just as wonderful as her mother.

As our lives continue to intertwine, we are grateful for the friendship and shared moments with Greteli—a remarkable woman. Cheers to the journey we've walked together and the many more adventures that lie ahead.


Megan & Duval


Pierre & Jansie